Hey Lovies
You know what day is today? and you know what that means? yes its guest day. so my guest for day is none other than super doper Effie Matara, i will describe her in two words HOT CHICA. i love her, enjoy
You know what day is today? and you know what that means? yes its guest day. so my guest for day is none other than super doper Effie Matara, i will describe her in two words HOT CHICA. i love her, enjoy
Tell me about your style
style, mmh , I create my style. Very random staff in different colors.
It’s a personal thing.
Where do you get your fashion inspiration from
Where do you get your fashion inspiration from
People around Me.,
magazines, celebrities
As you know ladies like to collect things, what do you like to collect
What are the key essential items you always have in your handbag
What is a must have in your closet
Are you a trend setter ,a trend follower or both
Still on trends, what's your take on the latest trends? Yay to all, or nay to some
What do you need to complete your everyday look
What don't we know about you as far as fashion is concerned
Am not choosy about where I
buy stuff or how much, as long as its something I like. I keep it simple
Are you a high heel girl or flats all the way
High heels of course,
I mean am 155
In a scale of 1-10 where would you rank Kenya in terms of fashion compared to Dubai
Hands down Kenya is on
point. I always see something new and
different every time. So Id say Kenya is 8 to 6 Dubai.

What fashion
advice would you like to give to out
Wear what you like and are comfortable in, regardless of what people think…The best stylist there can be is yourself…Rihanna style baby
You had her, from its Bon Weekend Love phyl.
Wear what you like and are comfortable in, regardless of what people think…The best stylist there can be is yourself…Rihanna style baby
You had her, from its Bon Weekend Love phyl.